I have a tetris game on my computer called Cubes. It's a free program for Macs. I've been playing it now and then during the very most boring moments of my last couple years, and I won't lie... I'm pretty dang good at it.
The other day I got to level 27 with a score of 78,000 points. I let out an enormous sigh of accomplishment. And then I thought to myself, if it took me a couple years to get this good, then this must be a pretty high score. It must be eligible for the internet high scores list!
Not even close! The highest legitimate score on there was set by some guy in France who got to level 98 with a score of 1,106,000. You've got to be kidding me.
Me: Level 27: I can barely tell what the piece is before it hits the bottom of the screen, let alone rotate it or position it. Super fast.
Guy in France: Level 98: has no life whatsoever, has super human powers, and probably dresses up in a skin-tight Tetris-Man costume and fights crime at night.
It's obscene.
Speaking of which, I recently discovered this YouTube video of human tetris, and it changed my life forever. Not that it inspired me, but rather that it amazed me that someone was able to get 30 or 40 people to waste a whole day being tetris pieces.
Wow, they had WAY too much time on their hands!!