Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kid, we're gonna make you a stah'!

I went to Hollywood today, and just to make sure that everyone believes me I took a gloriously smoggy picture. You'll probably have to squint to see it but that is in fact the Hollywood sign in this picture. The Hollywood sign.

Amazing, I know.


  1. For all of Stephen's readers who have not been to LA, please keep in mind that not far from the Hollywood sign is a HUGE fire that has already torched over 140,000 acres. That MAY have something to do with the current air quality. At least I would think so considering the ash on my car every morning. :P

  2. Whatever Sarah.. that ash could have come from anywhere ;)

    Also I like that you preface that with "For all of Stephen's readers.."

    Should be more like, for BOTH of Stephen's readers...
