But I think that someone living on my block has officially taken it too far.
Gives new meaning to my phrase, "underground crap exchange."
More than anything it's just been a place for lots of people to come and take pictures with which to update their FB profiles. People driving by saw us snapping pics and stopped to do the same thing.
You see, though it may be California, it's still technically America, and toilets are a permanent feature to any house. Few tenants are ever in need.
But I can just see those who put them out on the curb thinking to themselves,
"Being generous and giving just makes me feel so good inside. After all, this toilet shortage has gone too far, and we need to do our part to help out! Come take our broken, disgusting toilet! Freedom! Three cheers for America!"I could go on but I'm done.
three cheers for america. you noticed they are gone, right??? I wonder if someone actually found them a home....