Friday, April 2, 2010

Frisbee is dangerous.

I really like playing Ultimate Frisbee. It's like basketball for white people.

Yesterday, however, I had a bit of a mishap due to my lack of cleats and excess of slippery shoes.

I don't remember all the details but I'm pretty sure it went a lot like this:

Like I said, the details are all a bit fuzzy, but I remember a very loud, distinct "pop" which was confirmed by everyone around me as I crumbled in pain to the ground.

I've never broken a bone before. This didn't change that. I'm actually fine. But that "pop", which was heard by people at the other end of the field, was a little disturbing.

Anyway, I walked home afterwards, about a mile, which kinda sucked but I still did it so I must be okay, right? Right? Guys? Am I right?

I can't really walk today, of course, but I think it'll be fine in a day or two.



  1. First, is the pain in the knee or in the lower leg? And is there any swelling in the knee? If the pain and swelling is in the knee there is a chance you could have torn your ACL, it is often associated with a popping sound. -Dave

  2. Steve, your friend Dave is definitely right. When I tore each of my ACLs, it was similar -- I was able to walk (and even run) on the knee for the rest of the evening and by the next day I was pretty much on crutches. Keep in mind, tearing an ACL is not like breaking a bone -- breaking doesn't remove your ability to use that portion of the body, but it can't heal normally if it's actually torn. You have to see an orthopedic surgeon. Sorry buddy. Welcome to my world.

  3. yeah, you might not have torn anything, but you won't be walking normally for a while. I did that to my knee last year at the end of april, and it was still giving me a few problems when I went to boot camp. I would suggest seeing a doctor.

  4. I would suggest a solid regimen of ice cream sandwiches. That's what I ate all through high school while wrestling and now I'm the healthy man you see before you today.

  5. i have zero medical advice to offer, but just wanted to say i am loving the quick little sketches you have been including in your posts lately. hope they become a regular thing!
