Friday, December 11, 2009

The next big thing.

Whatever it is that's keeping me sick, it's the most effective weight loss treatment that exists. If we could harness this disease, we could make billions.

Wrap your head around this.

In the last 72 hours, all I've done is sleep, shower, post on this blog, drink lots of water, and *force* myself to eat one bowl of cereal. I only ate the cereal because I realized that it had been almost three days since I ate last, and I heard somewhere that people can only survive for three days without food. I was afraid that I might die right during the middle of one of my awesome hallucinations.

Anyone who's anyone, who knows me, knows that I like food, and I hate not eating it. And with my immune system waging nuclear warfare inside my body, you would think that I would need to replenish.

Nope. Just not hungry.

Imagine if we could discover what it is about this strange illness that eliminates the need for food! People could lose weight super fast!

My sense of time is completely shot. I've been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past couple days, and yet through all of that, I did my laundry! Ha!

It was seriously one of the hardest things I've ever done, having no energy, nor any will to live, but I did it, and at the end, I got to put on some very warm socks.



  1. Yeah, I'm gonna recommend a doctor right about now. Please don't die, especially not during the middle of one of your hallucinations.

  2. Sounds like swine flu to me. You might need to see a doctor before it takes you out.

    Watch out for the bright lights and the tunnel!

    Seriously, could be the swine flu.
