Thursday, December 17, 2009

If you like Pina-Colada!

I'm back! Yeah!

[Applause, applause.]

So I was in the grocery store yesterday, I come around a corner and BAM! The heavens open and there's a ray of light shining down upon the Pineapple stand.

I love pineapples, more than any other edible thing on this planet. And yesterday they were on sale for 49 cents/pound. Which was great because I had a date last night and I had been wanting to try this for a while:

Mmmmmmmm so good! We filled them with Lime-aid, which I just had for the first time the other day and I loved it. So it was delicious because it mixed with the juices from the fruit. It was like a naturally refilling drink. Awesome. I would do it all the time if pineapples weren't normally really expensive.



  1. This is the best blog entry I've read in a while. Looks like some good drink.

  2. I miss your pizza! I had some other pizza yesterday and it just wasn't the same...California is blessed to have your skills.

  3. Can you take me on a date Stephen?
