Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Your face is funny.

I never really expect anyone to laugh at my jokes. It always surprises me when they do.

One reason for this is that people often laugh at what I say when I'm being completely serious, and then they take me seriously when I'm trying to be funny.

It happens all the time. It's been that way my whole life. And it's really not so much the lack of laughter when I'm making jokes that bugs me. It's when I'm being serious and people laugh.

I guess I still haven't figured out the whole "facial expressions" thing because people always misinterpret me. I pretty much expect it now.

It was especially bad as a teenager. People would always ask me "What's wrong?" when I was perfectly content with life. So annoying.

And then in serious situations people would always turn to me and ask "What's so funny? What are you laughing about?" And then I stand there dumbfounded, wondering if they were actually talking to me or someone else.


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