Thursday, December 10, 2009

A new disease.

This sickness that I have going on right now is very weird.

So far, this is what I've been experiencing. Perhaps you can tell me what it is.

  1. Hallucinations while trying to sleep.
  2. Going back and forth between shivering uncontrollably and sweating a lot.
  3. Losing the sense of taste. It's not completely gone but the front half of my mouth is.
  4. Being incredibly exhausted.

It's not a cold, since I don't have a sore throat or stuffy nose or anything. We can also rule out leprosy since I still have all my limbs intact.



  1. I think you might have the black plague....

  2. Its the H1N1 strain of gonorrhea.

  3. You should go to a doctor. Those aren't normal symptoms

  4. I would guess a sinus infection or something like that....infection of the head.
